This section
will outline all the generic functionality in ELAG
applications. Entire subsystems as modular building blocks
are explained under 'Samples'
Claims Management System, main screen, first tab:

Fig 1.
A typical ELAG screen
screens can open as many times as necessary.
In other words, you may view 3 different data sets in 3 copies
of the same screen at the same time.
have a master list. Master list columns (and combinations)
sort ascending or descending. List columns can be changed
on the fly at anytime (by ELAG staff). The buttons labelled
A-G on the right change the column set for the particular
data set being viewed, so that large data sets can be sub-grouped
comfortably. Screens
have an Export tool, with which to export master list data.Screens
have fields, or child lists, or both, editable or read only
depending on requirement, whose contents relate to the row
highlighted in the master list. These can be arranged directly
on the screen, or in tabs. Editing a row in the master will
lock that row out to all other users while the change takes
place. Buttons
are either graphical checkboxes (two-state values with descriptive
English for both cases), or momentary 'Action Buttons', meaning
that by pressing the button a process - usually a business
rule or special output - is triggered, and, optionally, logged.
have selection criteria fields, which determine what data
appears in the master list. Selection text boxes use standard
asterisk wildcards, and will take any number of phrases up to 256-512
characters (depending on requirement). Phrases to be searched for are delimited
by semicolons. Text fields can also implement 'fuzzy' searches
- which will yield several parts of speech (phone: phoned,phoning).
Screens allow Font and Font Size selection. saved preferences available but not recommended except in mission-critical output pipelines (mass doc generation, mass shipping, billing etc.).
Note fields
(unlimited text) can be freeform (any text can be edited with
appropriate permission), audit-trailed (entering a note tags
it with your name, time, and date, after which the note is
no longer editable), or automated (user picks from a list
of frequent phrases, thereby not needing to type and standardizing
the sentence). See below.

Fig. 2
An Audit-trailed note tool
lists have HTML Report Export Function - with layout preferences.
Other formats in all lists:
(Internet) |
Excel |
(Large spreasheets) |
(Comma-delimited) |
(Mainframe) |
Fig.3 The Export Tool
can be custom-made but with user-defined, dynamic elements,
Images, Signatures, Faxes, etc. |
Text and Banners |
coding for inventory or bank lockbox data entry |
Word mail-merge is always available, with an end-user
having access to dozens of fields in their own copy
of Word. These documents can be output to Fax servers,
MS Exchange, or PDF. |
Database roles are simply a way for a database to group users. A user can have many roles (groups), and a role can be within another role. ELAG provides:
Role-based, row-level SQL Select security (you only see items you are allowed to).
Database Role-based, Business-Rule Execution-level security
(you can only trigger processes you are allowed to)
Roles can be 3 deep (DB user inside a role in a role in a
role) - more levels requires a simple modification
Executable-level security: by producing one client executable
per role the application guarantees that only the person with
that username and password on a specific machine has access
(other PCs will not even have an icon for it).
For Internet
deployment, Citrix ( is the most secure distribution method
available, since only a rastered, incremental bitmap appears
outside the firewall.ODBC/JDBC data pipes stay within the
company firewall.
Web development IS available, of course.
audited edit locking even within multiple instances of a screen
in the same application.
Audits auto-save username update time and deleted time, time
lock was acquired and released.
Optionally, audits can include the data itself - like a user-defined
transaction log with associated GUI/Reporting/Sarbanes-Oxley
The first
ELAG executable is distributed to all client workstations
by an Installshield package. An email to employees distributes
a link to the package. Included is a loader program which
updates executables from a central machine as new versions
become available. Subsequent executables just get delivered
alone (under 1 MB, maximum 2) and handled by the same loader program.
This is one of the features that make continuous rapid prototyping
Over Citrix, the process is similar, but a link to the app
must be added to the portal page (with citrix user security
settings) .
Citrix Metaframe is the most secure, rapid way of deploying
ELAG applications on the Internet. ELAG is not a Citrix
reseller, but can set Citrix portals and servers up for ELAG
system deployment.An HTML
Client is available.
Other custom clients (PHP/ASP/.NET) for more traditional web
pages can be developed on request .
ELAG can
translate to the following with little change:
Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish
currency management - transactions or receivables - available
on request
depending on complexity of customization and size, can be
delivered from 2 to 8 weeks from order approval.
has sets of programming and naming standards for Data Modelling
and Procedure Writing. These are enforced by code generation
tools, since they output repeated code, but mostly with sheer
discipline, oversight and QC. The overriding concept, easily
explained in plain English, is that all database tables, fields,
view and procedure names are exceptionally long and descriptive,
and are named after the very business concepts they model
- so much so that if a button is labelled 'Confirm All Invoices
Have Printed', chances are the database procedure it triggers
is ConfirmAllInvoicesHavePrinted. As straightforward
as this may sound, it is the exception, not the rule in the
software business. The end result is that when client questions
arise, ELAG's technical representative speaks the client's
language by design, because the database he is looking at
is self-documenting.