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General CMS Prospecting Reporting

This Subsection Contains a short list of ELAG Application Examples. For a more exhaustive look, download our Brochure.

Generic Subsystems

Can be added to any custom solution (with business-specific modifications). It should be understood that specific screen layouts, asthetics, fonts and styles are by no means set in stone.

Contact Management

Fig.1 Contacts in a ELAG Prospecting Tool - Example A

For most ELAG applications, any number of contacts can be associated with a given organization, and as many emails, phone, fax, and cell numbers as are necessary can be stored. While this may seem like a trivial point, we have seen too much corporate reporting driven to inaccuracy because salesmen were forced to input multiple copies of contacts, or indeed businesses, so as to store their necessary extra numbers or emails - or worse, put this info in a note field, never to be found again by man or beast.

Please note the Map feature (in conjunction with MS Mappoint), will display a detailed road map for any address.

Fig.2 Grantrac Grants Manager Contact Tab - Example B - Note explicit prioritizing of multiple emails or numbers.

Document Management

Fig. 3 Document Manager Tab in Grantrac, showing pdfs and word docs being stored and previewed for a Grant (Powerpoint, Excel, Visio, AutoCAD, also viable). Double-clicking the highlighted row will open the Document in full screen with the appropriate software (MS Word, Acrobat, etc.).

Executive Reports In a Tab

Fig. 4 CMS Case-level aggregate reporting tab

Above find everything a bankruptcy claims analyst will need to know about an entire case inside a tab on every claim. Since multiple cases can be in a list at once, this tab would update on a court case basis, not a claim basis. For a view of the entire 'dashboard' screen, see CMS.

When evaluating whether or not to bid on a claim, an analyst has a wealth of case-level statistics to compare the individual claim to.

Workflow Management

Fig. 5 CMS Processed Claim Workflow

Above find all the steps an analyst will go through in the life of a claim, from early due diligence and examination, to all the steps he goes through once a claim is bought outright. Note how obvious it is that this particular claim has not been updated, since all the dates to the left are filled, while the steps arranged vertically as buttons remain untouched.

Note also that certain note fields (including accounts payable) have been specialized: the department that writes checks to a claim's creditor does not need to know all about how it got there, but may need to see special handling instructions, and may need to notify an analyst of any issues.

Before/After Comparison Reporting

Fig. 6 Merchant Prospect's current provider pricing vs. salesperson's proposed pricing


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